
Marquard Engineering GmbH & Co. KG

Schöttmannshof 10a
46539 Dinslaken

Phone: +49 (0) 2064 4133-0
Fax: +49 (0) 2064 4133-41

Amtsgericht Duisburg
Commercial register: HRA 11662
Tax - id. 5101/5813/0504
UST-IdNr. DE195993976

Komplementärgesellschaft / complementary company
MV-Capital GmbH
Commercial register: HRB 26630
General manager: Volker Marquard

Zuständige Aufsichtsbehörde
Bundesagentur für Arbeit
Agentur für Arbeit Düsseldorf
40180 Düsseldorf
Tel.: 0211 692 4500


STKW Hamm: Mr. Horst-Dieter Schade
STKW Moorburg: Mr. Björn Bröcker
STKW Lünen: Mr. Markus Gregorzyk


1. References and links

With direct or indirect references to third-party internet sites ('links') located outside of the field of responsibility of the author, liability would exclusively take effect in the event that the author has had notice of the content and that it would have been technically possible and reasonable for him/her to prevent the use of any content violating applicable law. For this reason, the author expressly declares that at the point in time that the link was created, the pages linked in question were free of illegal content. The author has no influence whatsoever on the current and future design and content of the linked pages. For this reason, he hereby distances himself expressly from all content of all linked pages that have been modified after the link has been created. This declaration applies for all links and reference created within the company's own internet service and for entries made by third parties in guestbooks set up by the author. Discussion forums and mailing lists. For illegal, incorrect or incomplete content, and particularly for damages arising from the use or non-use of this type of information presented, the provider of the website is solely responsible and not the individual that has created links merely referring to the publication in question.

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The author strives in all publications to observe the copyrights of the graphics, sounds, video sequences and texts used, to use graphics, sounds, video sequences and texts produced by him/herself or to use graphics, sounds, video sequences or texts in the public domain. All trademarks and brand names specified, protected by third parties or otherwise, are subject in an unlimited capacity to the provisions of applicable trademark law and the property rights of the registered proprietor in question. The mere mention of the trademark is not reason enough to conclude that trademarks are not protected by third parties! The copyright for items created by the author him/herself and published remains with the author of the pages. The reproduction or use of such graphics, sounds, video sequences or texts in other electronic or print media is not permitted without prior express permission from the author.

3. Data protection

Where the possibility exists to enter personal or business information (e-mail addresses, names, addresses) within the boundaries of this internet service, the submission of said information is conducted on a expressly voluntary basis. The use and payment of all services offered is - as far as is technically possible and reasonable - also permitted without the entry of such information or with the entry of anonymous information or a pseudonym.

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This disclaimer is to be considered part of the internet service from which this page was referred to. Should parts of or individual formulations within this text not, no longer or not fully meet applicable laws, the remaining parts of the document remain unaffected in their content and validity.

Marquard Engineering GmbH & Co. KG, Dinslaken, Germany